China's water supply
A modest proposal
The Economist, October 28th 2006
China should liberalise water pricing
恩~我每次看到環保議題的文章就會很想看...當然這一篇也不長啦~不然那種special report真的看得很痛苦XD
字典參考:dr. eye, Merriam-Webster
- arid: excessively dry; specifically : having insufficient rainfall to support agriculture
- Tibet: 西藏
- scorn: to treat with scorn : reject or dismiss as contemptible or unworthy [scorned local traditions] [scorned to reply to the charge];輕蔑;藐視
- Maoism: 毛澤東主義
- modest: 不太大(或多)的;適度的,有節制的
- basin: an enclosed or partly enclosed water area
- castigate: to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism
- grandiose: impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or grandeur
- Brahmaputra river: 雅魯藏布江(發源於西藏)
- wary: marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger
synonyms: CAUTIOUS - unrest: a disturbed or uneasy state : TURMOIL
- begrudge: to give or concede reluctantly or with displeasure [begrudge money] [begrudged the weeks spent away from home]
- sewage: refuse liquids or waste matter usually carried off by sewers
- levy: the imposition or collection of an assessment; 課稅
- public hearings: 公聽會
- stage-manage: to arrange or direct from behind the scenes;
- accountable: 1 : subject to giving an account : ANSWERABLE [held her accountable for the damage]
2 : capable of being accounted for : EXPLAINABLE
synonyms see RESPONSIBLE